Born at Fort Dix, New Jersey, in 1968, my life started as a military brat. We moved from Jersey to Texas to New Hampshire and Philadelphia before settling in Lowell, Massachusetts. I was inspired to make art by watching my father sketch cartoon characters and Captain Bob's television program on Saturdays in the late '70s; I began drawing by entering drawing competitions from the weekly TV guide and copying art from comic books with a pencil when I was ten.
My journey in art began at Lowell Vocational Technical School for commercial art, where I improved my skills and later worked as a paste-up artist at Beacon Communications in Acton, Massachusetts. Despite my passion, financial constraints prevented me from attending art school, leading me to serve with the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell.
After the military, I married, had children, and started a business. After a brutal divorce, I lost everything and had to rebuild my life from scratch.
My career as an artist developed during an unjust time in my life. In 2002, I met my new partner, and we married in 2003. In 2005, I was wrongly accused of a crime and jailed at the House of Corrections in Middleton, Massachusetts. During this challenging time, I drew portraits for inmates, and they paid me food for these sketches. After 91 days, the jury found me not guilty on January 6th, 2006, cleared all charges, and released me.
After being released from jail, I continued drawing, and my art soon caught people's attention. They wanted to buy my drawings, which led me to share my work publicly for the first time in 2014 in Nashua, New Hampshire. Since then, my art has been shown in art shows and galleries in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, and Cincinnati, gaining me collectors of my work.
This picture was the first time I had shown my work to the public.
Nashua, NH
2006 - 2024
Lineillism (line-a-li-zum) n. (mass noun)
A technique of Verdi drawings using THOUSAND of straight pencil lines, without crosshatching or blending. 2. A technique created by Carmen Verdi in 2006. 3. His signature style described as “Insanely Beautiful.”